Inspirational evening | Shadow Work for Beginners
by Minne van Woersem and Sander Machielsen
Tuesday January 21st | 8.00 pm
​Iedere derde dinsdag van de maand - van september tot en met mei - wordt er in de Embassy of the Free Mind in Amsterdam een inspiratieavond georganiseerd. Je bent van harte welkom.
Let op de eerste drie inspiratie-avonden in 2025 zijn Engelstalig!
Every third Tuesday of the month - from September to May - an inspiration evening is organized in the Embassy of the Free Mind in Amsterdam.
In January, February and March there will be three English-language lectures. You are most welcome!
About the inspirational evening on Tuesday 21st of January:
Minne van Woersem and Sander Machielsen are both Jungian analysts who work intensively with individuals on their shadow. In 2024 they wrote the book Shadow Work for Beginners to encourage more people to start looking within as it is the only place where we really can make a difference. During this interactive evening they explain what shadow work is and how you can use it to unlock your own potential.
Time: from 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm (doors open at 7:30 pm)
Costs: pay as you like
You do not have to register in advance for this evening
Embassy of the Free Mind, Keizersgracht 123, 1015 CJ AMSTERDAM
Volgende inspiratieavond (next inspirational evening):
February 18th: Inspirational evening | Apollo & Dionysus - a Jungian view on our health crisis
18 maart
15 april
20 mei