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Inspirational evening | Pre-remembrance 

the Call of the Rose of the Heart

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Tuesday March 18th  | 8.00 pm

​Iedere derde dinsdag van de maand - van september tot en met mei - wordt er in de Embassy of the Free Mind in Amsterdam een inspiratieavond georganiseerd. Je bent van harte welkom.

Let op deze avond is Engelstalig!


This evening is part of a series of inspirational talks held every third Tuesday of the month (September–May), and for the months January, February and March, the lectures are in English.


About the inspirational evening on Tuesday, March 18th

Every human being strives after something in life. Discover with us the inner path of self-realisation and liberation on the basis of the principle of fundamental change. Together, we'll explore how reconnecting with our divine essence - often called the Spirit Spark - can open the path to self-realisation.


The evening is being given by members of The international School of the Golden Rosycross.




Time & costs:

Time: from 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm (doors open at 7:30 pm)

Costs: pay as you like

You do not have to register in advance for this evening




Embassy of the Free Mind, Keizersgracht 123, 1015 CJ AMSTERDAM



Volgende inspiratieavond:

15 april

20 mei




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